AccuPoint 1-6x24 Riflescope

Duplex Crosshair w/ Green Dot, Tritium / Fiber Optics Illuminated
The Trijicon AccuPoint 1-6x24 is going to be the scope that gives you that little extra magnification when you need it. After running your carbine all day at 1x you hit that stage where you have stop, breathe, and take that long shot. When you do, you’ll be glad you can dial it up to 6x. Whether the buck comes from the thick forest to your left or the cornfield to your right, you'll have the confidence to take the shot. If you want to keep it simple and show your skills, the duplex reticle offers a fine crosshair and fiber optic dot keeping your target in perfect view. Control the brightness of your fiber optic aiming point with the innovative illumination dial and have confidence with your shot placement in low light when the tritium kicks in. Use our 30mm rings or quick release mount to match your firearms platform.
Trijicon Logo Sticker (PR15)
Set of Lenscaps
AccuPoint Manual
Warranty Card
(279.4mm x 50.8mm x 50.8mm)